Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A new America

This morning I woke up in a country where it actually is possible for any kid to grow up and become president.

Who knows? Maybe next up will be a woman. Or a Hispanic man or woman. Or an Asian man or woman. Or *big gasp* a Native American man or woman. I feel like the door has been blown wide open. Did it come too late? Yes. Several people last night at the party I attended challenged everyone's self-congratulatory tone for electing a black man to the presidency. It's far too late. But at least it's happened. Finally, finally.

I feel like when I tell my future children, "Yes, you can have any job you want to have," I won't have to feel like I'm lying to them.

As Miranda marveled: "How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world/ That has such people in't."

(I realize there is more at stake here than race. I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge what this means for our children's futures and how they can view themselves. The government and political arena is independent from this and was hopefully the only factor anyone considered when casting their vote for either candidate.)

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