Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Auntie Ann

My dear, sweet, amazing Auntie Ann died this morning at 9 a.m. CDT.

She was the matriarch of my maternal family, and she was the most amazing woman we could have ever hoped to have had in our family.  We didn't deserve her, but she truly enriched all our lives in many ways.

She helped raise my mom and aunts, since my maternal grandma had severe epilepsy.  She always put the children and rest of the family ahead of her own needs, and even was slow to die because she didn't want to leave us in need of anything.

Last night, in a moment of lucidity, she called her children to her bedroom to hug her and told her daughter what outfit she wanted to wear (in burial).  She then slipped into a nonresponsive state and passed away this morning.

She was going to be in our wedding, in my grandma's place, seated in a place of importance and given her own escort and corsage.  Instead, we'll honor her with our tribute candle to our grandparents who have died.

I'm so sad.

But I know she was not robbed of a good life.  She would have turned 91 this year.

I wish I could have said goodbye...I would have told her that I loved her and thanked her for everything she did for my mom.

Goodbye Auntie Ann.  I love you, and will miss you terribly.  Thank you for taking care of my mom when she needed you.


Jack said...

I am sorry to hear about your Great Aunt, but I am glad that she knew she had such a wonderful family that loved her.

She and Nan can have tea :) Pop can tend to her gardens.

Amanda said...

Thanks, Jack. :( I'm still really sad...I didn't even know she was so sick.