Sunday, August 24, 2008

"It's a twista'! It's a twista'!"

Unfortunately, Toto, we're still in Alabama. No magical fairytale place for us.

Last night was not fun. Now, let me preface by explaining I am not a wimp when it comes to storms. I love them, find them fascinating. But when they become dangerous, I'm cautious.

From about 7:30 p.m. to 4:30 a.m., we were under a tornado warning because some had been spotted miles away from my apartment. The wind got so tricky a couple of times that I gathered up the two cats and sat in the bathroom with them until it sounded a little more settled. One of those times was at 7:30, and the other was at 2:15 a.m. (The 2:15 was the hardest one because I had been sound asleep for a few hours.) While we were sitting in the bathroom, I could hear my patio furniture slamming against the back door. It sounded so creepy--as though someone were trying to break in, but I'm on the second floor so that's literally impossible.

Because of my cold, my sinuses are a little sensitive. During the worst of it, my sinuses were killing me! I have a sneaking suspicion it's because of the change in barometric pressure because I'm no longer having any sinus pain. It's not an infection. All sources point to the obvious, here.

I'm still worried about my friend's cat. I know animals are amazing little "meteorologists," so if she were outside during this storm, she was probably capable of getting herself somewhere safe.

What a strange night. I probably would have slept right through it, but I'm signed up for this emergency alert system with my university, so I get called on my cell phone and my land line, as well as receiving e-mails at both of my addresses. So my phones were ringing all night long, which kept waking me up. I'm sleepy! Oh well, at least I'm alive enough to be able to say that I'm sleepy, right? ;)

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